This was the title of a book by Kevin O’Donnell Jr. I enjoyed it so much, I adopted the heros name as my web name. Althought the book is out of print, and my copy has vanished into the same place socks go after being put in the dryer, I still remember the character.
Most web names are taken from fiction. I can't count how many Count Zeros or Neros there are out there. I like to think that mine choice is better as the book was never a best seller. (Try Googling it :)
The book is almost prophetic in it's story lines. People are restricted indoors. Global warming has devestated most of the planet. Reforestation is combating oxygen depletion and everyone is connected to a global communications network.
A lot of the story has come to pass. Still no invading aliens and we can still drive our cars, but it's only a matter of time.
ORA:CLE is the main organization in the book. It's truely an information age company. Anyone who is an expert can join and be paid to offer services. This is where we are today. Most companies making money now are either distribution (Walmart) or information companies (Google). And you can make money by offering information for a fee (e-books, research, programming).
"The future is now!" has appeared as a science fiction catch-cry. It has never been more accurate. The future is being created by authors of fiction. Where will we be in 10 years? Check your local book shop Science Fiction section and pick up a book.