Here's a site I visited when I got started in GTD:
I carried one of these with a small number of cards for capturing data when it would take too long to get the right program running on my PDA.
I also made a couple PocketMods to carry around.
And you moght find this useful:
Add a good 4 colour pen to code entries and you're ready to rock.
ORACLE - Opinions, Research, Advice: Computer Linked Experts: A collection of discoveries and links from across the web. A convenient place to keep my thoughts.
20 November 2008
16 November 2008
Catastrophic failure of hard drive
I recently suffered from a hard drive failure that erased 2 weeks of data.
In order to prevent this from happening again, I've decided to move as many files and activities as possible online. This means using a number of web sites to complete work I would normally do on my computer.
Why do this, you ask?
In order to prevent this from happening again, I've decided to move as many files and activities as possible online. This means using a number of web sites to complete work I would normally do on my computer.
Why do this, you ask?
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