Every explorer needs some basic items. Here are some packs to consider for your campaign.
ORACLE - Opinions, Research, Advice: Computer Linked Experts: A collection of discoveries and links from across the web. A convenient place to keep my thoughts.
23 December 2024
DnD Packs for Explorers
Icon Resources
Looking for some icons to spice up a presentation, document or web page? Here are a few sources that I've found to be very useful.
22 December 2024
Dice Games
D20 Roulette
One of the tables has D20 Roulette on offer. Place your bets and roll the dice to see if your luck holds.
Mapping Worlds in Role Playing Games
Maps are important to guide your players through the world. Keeping track of where they have been is as much a part of the story as where they are going.
Dungeon Master Tools
Aspiring dungeon masters will build a toolkit of props and tools to make setting up and playing the game faster and simpler.
C64 games
The C64 was the home computer I spent the most time programming and playing games on. I was gifted a replica and immediately transferred some of my favourite games to a USB flash drive so I could relive my younger passion.