23 December 2024

DnD Packs for Explorers

 Every explorer needs some basic items. Here are some packs to consider for your campaign.

Explorers Pack (10 gp):

Backpack (2 gp)

Bedroll (1 gp)

Messkit (2 sp)

Tinderbox (5 sp)

10 Torches (1 sp)

10 Days Rations (5 gp)

Waterskin (2 sp)

50' Hemp Rope (1 gp)

Dungeoneer's Pack (12 gp):

Backpack, (2 gp)

Crowbar, (2 gp)

Hammer, (1 gp)

10 x Pitons, (5 sp)

10 x Torches, (1 sp)

Tinderbox, (5 sp)

10 x Rations (1 day), (5 gp)

Waterskin, (2 sp)

50' Hemp Rope, (1gp)

Burglar's Pack (16 gp):

Backpack, (2 gp) 50' Hemp Rope (1 gp)

1000 x ball bearings (1 gp)

10' string (1 cp)

Bell (1 gp)

5 x Candles (1 cp)

Crowbar (2 gp)

Hammer (1 gp)

10 x Pitons (5 cp)

Hooded Lantern (5 gp)

2 x Oil Flasks (2 sp) (1 sp each)

5 x Rations (1 day) (25 sp) (5 sp each)

Tinderbox (5 sp)

Waterskin (2 sp)

Diplomat's Pack (39 gp):

Chest (5 gp)

2 x Map cases (2 gp) (1gp each)

Fine Clothes (15 gp)

Bottle of ink (10 gp)

Ink Pen (2 cp)

Lamp (5 sp)

2 x Oil Flasks (2 sp) (1 sp each)

5 x Paper (1 sheet) (2 sp)

Perfume (5 gp)

Sealing Wax (5 sp)

Soap (2 cp)

Entertainer's Pack (40 gp):

Backpack (2 gp)

Bedroll (1 gp)

2 x Costumes (5 gp)

5 x Candles (1 cp)

5 x Rations (1 day) (25 sp) (5 sp each)

Waterskin (2 sp)

Disguise Kit (25 gp)

Priest's Pack (19 gp):

Backpack (2 gp)

Blanket (5 sp)

10 x Candles (1 sp) (1 cp each)

Tinderbox (5 sp)

2 x Rations (1 day) (1 gp) (5 sp each)

Waterskin (2 sp)

Alms Box

2 Incense blocks



Scholar's Pack (40 gp):

Backpack (2 gp)

Book of Lore (Listing for generic book) (25 gp)

Bottle of ink (10 gp)

Ink Pen (2 cp)

10 x Parchment (1 sheet) (1 sp)

Bag of Sand

Small Knife