Aspiring dungeon masters will build a toolkit of props and tools to make setting up and playing the game faster and simpler.
A list of items for aspiring DM's.
- DM Screen - doesn't need to be fancy. Decorated cardboard is sufficient.
- Dice - enough to share.
- Reference materials (rule books)
- Maps
- Terrain and/or battlemaps
- Music - Ambient Mixer
- Visuals. Images of:
- Monsters
- NPC's
- Locations
- Index cards or post it notes. Great for passing info to individual players.
- Tokens / Markers
- Timers
- Props
- Miniatures
- Magic Item Cards
- Laptop or Tablet (nice to have but not required)
- Internet connection (nice to have but not required)
- Blank character sheets
- Magic Transparent tape - several sections of the character sheet will be updated a lot. Put Transparent tape over those sections to make it easier to erase.
- Pencils (#2). HB are too hard and #2 is easier to erase.
- Erasers.
- Wet or Dry Markers to draw on the battlemaps.
- Rubbing Alcohol or whiteboard cleaner if you're using dry erase markers.
- Water if you're using wet markers. Crayola Ultra-Clean Washable markers are dry erase markers.
- Cleaning Cloth for wiping off the terrain maps.